In the kitchens of the Mandarin Oriental hotel, in Paris, here is Thierry Marx, sticks in hand. True natural extension of his arm, they come and go at an incredible speed, catch, place, move, point, control. His second is a Japanese woman, like many other members of his brigade. A small greeting ritual punctuates the exchanges, no need to recall Thierry Marx’s attachment to Japan where he masters martial arts and loves traditional Kaiseki cuisine.
For Thierry Marx and his team, the challenge begins at dawn with breakfast served at the restaurant “Le Camélia”, whose decoration in a shape of flower petals is by Patrick Jouin and Sanjit Manku. “Le Camélia” then continues in the dining room for lunch. Here the plates are built around a product like ravioli condimented with turmeric on a cream of cold beans , langoustines and peas swimming in a black tea broth while the sea bass is roast with citrus carrots and coriander. Japanese-style sea bream, turnip ravioli with lemon, very simple in appearance, is a marvel of tastes. As for the Limousin farmer’s pork chop, fricassee of grenailles and small vegetables, sage juice, every single meal delicately plays with memories.
It’s in the evening, at the “Le Sur-Mesure” restaurant that Thierrry Marx gives all his measure! In this eminently Zen setting, places are limited (42 covers). If Thierry Marx has softened his technical addiction, his inventiveness remains intact. The entry is placed under the reign of a vegetable (beet, pumpkin, pea …) that he likes to structure and destructure. The easiest way is to let yourself be carried away by the tasting menu. Depending on the mood of the day and the freshness of the market, instant semi-grapefruit, fried oysters and caviar, turbot popcorn, lobster with cherries and old balsamic, Saint-Pierre hash brown, asparagus gnocchi with parmesan foam or charcoal-licorice beef will bring a lot of experiences and emotions to live, feel and share.